COVID-19: Operational updates

Since the announcement about COVID-19, The Canadian Architectural Certification Board (CACB) has adopted, in alignment with the Public Health recommendations, a series of measures and actions to maintain its operations and to ensure its staff, volunteers, and partners’ safety.


Effective May 1, 2022, all CACB staff have returned to working in office full time, while still adhering to safety protocols to ensure continued operations.

Board and Committees:

  • Face-to-face Board meetings have been replaced by distance meetings. In-Person meetings will be scheduled when they will be safe to resume.
  • Until further notice, all CACB Committee meetings, including Academic Certification Assessment Committee, are held by distance.

Application for BEFA Certification

Applications for BEFA certification are still accepted and received. Assessment Process is still running as usual. However, timelines might be affected as a result of these unexpected circumstances.

In-Person Interviews postponed and replaced by a Virtual format

By precaution, all in-person interviews continue to be postponed until further notice. In the meantime, a Virtual Interview Format has been developed and put in place to ensure continuity in the Application Process.

The combination of the postponement of in-person interviews, the development of the Virtual Format, and the BEFA Assessors’ availabilities have created a backlog in the Application Process. We are doing our best to resolve it and get back to a regular schedule and timelines. In-person Interview dates will be released when regular operations are safe to resume.

Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Mourad Mohand-Said, B. Arch, M.Sc.A, Hon.MRAIC

Executive Director